Friday, March 22, 2013

ce n'est pas un sock

stunts by gradschoolknitter
stunts, a photo by gradschoolknitter on Flickr.

(but there is one below)

The bag you may have seen before... if not around here, then over at the MadridKnits blog... but the buttons are new. My mom picked them up for me, the sock one, because, well, if you've been around for any length of time you may have noticed that I knit socks... like, always... and the other, which is my fave, says "I do my own knitting stunts" and has some ominous blood dripping down the sides... she picked it up because of this incident. Ah, my mother is a witty woman... and a great artist, if you didn't know.

And, since this blog would barely be itself with a picture of a sock in progress, and we don't want to disappoint, voila:

sock and toe

One down, and a toe too!


SIONA said...

Me hace mucha ilusión saber que, al utilizar la bolsa, nos sigues recordando ;)

gradschoolknitter said...

Por supuesto, Siona. Tendréis una gran parte de mi corazón, siempre!