Monday, May 30, 2011

Mystic, CT

yarn!, originally uploaded by gradschoolknitter.

This past weekend a group of us headed to Mystic, CT to see the last of the grad school girls get married! Saturday morning we had some free time and decided to check out the historic downtown area, which included the fabulous Mystic River Yarns. It's a big store with lots of the usuals (Cascade, Berroco, Brown Sheep, Crystal Palace, etc) and some local handspuns and handpaints. I, of course, couldn't resist some local yarn and ended up leaving with this:

Ellyn Cooper's yarn sonnets

in tow. Ellyn Cooper's Yarn Sonnets "Fine Merino" in Aquatide. Not the best shot, it's much more variegated from green to deep teal.

Mystic is super cute, with lots of beautiful old homes (many of which we were gazing longingly at, especially those with "for sale" signs...)

mystic house

And, my fave, an old school drawbridge:


Since our friend was marrying into an East Indian family, we (the bridesmaids) got to wear some beautiful saris:


It was a beautiful weekend and a beautiful wedding. Congrats Bridget and George!


Kim said...

cool!!! My sister was a bridesmaid in an Indian wedding once too, though she has yet to figure out what to do with her leftover bright orange sari. did you guys get to have henna done too?

v. cute-looking town as well.

gradschoolknitter said...

No henna for us - her husband's family is from a part of India where Christianity is the main religion and they do not use henna for weddings. We did go and get our mani pedis though!

I might use the sari for a sewing project, although I want to check with the bride to make sure it's ok first. I'm not sure I'll wear it again as an actual sari, although it was a lot of fun!