Sunday, April 18, 2010


seneca sleeve, originally uploaded by gradschoolknitter.

I've been going to a knitting group here in Madrid, madridknits. It's pretty much the only time (except maybe lazy Sundays like today when NOTHING is open) that I get any knitting done. I started a sleeve for Seneca last week, which you can see the beginnings of in this post (yes I was wearing the same pants... for shame!) and which I finished up yesterday - and started the second - during an "extra" meeting. (They meet every Friday but decided to have a Saturday morning meeting too since some people have been unable to come Fridays for various reasons. I went to both, since I'm hoping that I'll be away this coming week - more on that in a minute...).

The sleeve is for my Seneca sweater ravelry link. I had to make a ton of changes, as I thought it was going to be WAY too big... I made much more gradual increases, except for an extra one right at the top of the sleeve so that I would get the right number of stitches and not have to worry about increasing when joining the sleeves and body.

In totally unrelated news, I have a trip planned to England this coming week. So far, not so good. Perhaps some of you have heard of a little volcano eruption in Iceland that is disrupting travel plans for most of Europe? So far things are only canceled until Monday afternoon, and my flight leaves Wed. evening, so I'm just sort of waiting to see what happens. Wish me luck!


Anonymous said...
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SIONA said...

¡suerte! y hay que repetir lo de los sábados por las mañanas, aunque yo no pare de hablar y no teja nada jajajajaj
un besazo!