Monday, October 3, 2011


Shannon's NaKniSweMo KAL by LollyKnit
Shannon's NaKniSweMo KAL, a photo by LollyKnit on Flickr.

Yes, I know that October just started. But know this: the NaKniSweMo group already has people discussing what sweater they want to knit, so I'm not the only "prepared" one.

I have a few choices and I sort of like them all, but can only knit one (especially since they all involve at least 2 skeins of the same yarn...) so I'm going to ask you all to help me out here.

First up:

Paulie. I have two potential colour combos for this sweater:

Neighborhood Fiber Co. Studio Sock in Gray and Ellyn Cooper's Yarn Sonnets Fine Merino in Aquatide.


paulie? or dahlia?
The same gray yarn and madeline tosh sock in logwood.

I have one more sweater that I was considering making out of the second colour combo, which is Dahlia. In that case I would work the back panel in the Madeline Tosh and the rest in the Neighborhood Studio Sock.

So, dear readers, if you would be so kind as to vote, I would love your input. I have no idea which one I'd like best and I'm sure I'd be happy with any of these sweaters/yarn combos.

Which sweater/yarn combo do you like best?
Paulie in Gray/Aquatide
Paulie in Gray/Logwood
Dahlia in Gray/Logwood free polls 

1 comment:

Kim said...

Having already voted, I'll add my thoughts as a comment: I feel like the blue/green would just pop better against the gray than the lilac. and Paulie seems like such a classic, wearable pattern. Anyway, good luck deciding! btw, I'm now making my 2nd sweater, aren't you proud??