Saturday, March 8, 2008

ATC: Fire Swap

Ok, I'm a bad swap partner. I've had the materials for ages but no artist's glue. I finally sent a call out on ravelry and another local knitter was nice enough to pick me up some podge stuff on a trip to a Utrecht's. I picked it up yesterday and was able to finally put together my cards last night. My apologies to my partners... these WILL be in the mail today. I promise.

The pictures aren't great 'cause it's rainy, grey and foggy here today, and these represent my first EVER attempt at an artistic project outside of knitting... and did I mention that my mom is an artist who frequently uses collage in her painting? Don't take my art as any indication though... my mom is an amazing artist. If I can find some of her pictures later (I think I have a couple saved as jpgs in my gmail) I will post them so you can see that I cannot do her justice as an artist's child.

Enough digression:

"Windy Day"

"Changing Seasons"

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