Tuesday, November 1, 2011


november siac by gradschoolknitter
november siac, a photo by gradschoolknitter on Flickr.

I had such high hopes for November... I was going to participate in NaKniSweMo... but I was also going to be DONE with this chapter, and I'm not. So I have to prioritize a little and thesis seems to trump knitting.

I'm also revising my own rules for the Self Imposed Accessory Club... this yarn was not in my stash at the beginning of the year, but I do need to make an accessory out of it, long promised for a friend. Since knitting time looks like it might be few and far between this month, I'm going to have to concentrate on one thing, rather than start this friend's project and a SIAC project too. Two birds, one stone and all that.

Hopefully this chapter will finish itself soon (I'd like to be done with it by the end of the week if at all possible). Then I can move on to, joy of joys, editing. Blech. I have an entire thesis that needs to be re-read and re-edited for re-submission to my advisors. November, you are not holding up your end of the bargain. Sigh.


Sara said...

Writing is getting in the way of my knitting too and I'm not doing NaKniSweMo this year either. I'm bummed. Maybe we should do our own Alternate NaKniSweMo (the academic schedule version) in, say, June. June is a much better month for me to knit a sweater fast.

Good luck with your thesis work.

gradschoolknitter said...

Yes! We definitely should keep that in mind for post-school year... Sure we won't be able to use them for a couple months, but is is much more suited to our schedule!!